The New Patented Probe contacting OSP on ICT and FCT Testing Technology - called SuperProbes - offers advanced contacting solution for Electrical Testing.
SuperProbes Patented Technology provides advantages on every aspect of electrical testing compared to traditional probe contacting solutions
Test engineers of companies like Harman International turn to Equip Test to improve testing productivity thanks to SuperProbe. If you want to know more, we can set up a time for a call or email:
Quick5 In-Line Handler provides Small Footprint, High-Speed and No Extra Fixture Cost, as existing fixtures of MFS - D3 Series can be used on this handler!
Ensuring 15-40% Savings compared to other traditional handler platforms. So if you use our TRIO Offline ICT Tester with MFS-D3 Fixture Kits just need to move your existing exchangeable Kit into this Handler and can increase your output to 3- 5x more compared to traditional offline testing method!
With no Extra Fixture cost!
More advantages: Latest Technology. No PLC so no Annual License Fee
Dual Stage option
800 Test Points
PXI, LXI, VXI welcomed
Integration w Functional or ICT Testers.
T新的TRIO平台的主要亮点包括单通道或双通道Equip-Test机械测试夹具(MFS)、快速的TRI-Tiny SII ICT。 这些主要功能与著名的Equip-Test信息通信技术工程知识相结合,确保您可以获得一个非常好的开始,模拟和数字测量信息通信技术测试系统。
在光学工业中,led探针为尽可能真实、无失真地传输光学测量信号提供了重要的环节。 这一新产品系列支持各种客户按需应用,因此,Equipment Test必须提供质量和价值最佳的高性能LED探针,从而确保客户获得最大的ROI(投资回报)。
完善的外部信号干扰防护。高隔离高达99.7dB。从400 MHz到6 GHz,可覆盖所有普通射频频段。坚固可靠的实心铝块结构。 完全可拆卸的底板允许轻松有效的布线。所有永久互连上可靠的重叠接缝。可扩展管从而扩展射频环境。大型电缆接入板,可拆卸且易于定制。